Day One – 30 Day Challenge

Day One – A picture of you & your horse:

It took me five or six tries to come up with some fancy introduction.. and I still have nothing. So here goes my nothing:
I took this picture last Summer, but we both look mostly the same (well, other than Beamer being rather fuzzy at the moment). I’m not really sure what I am supposed to write now.. I guess I can give you a background on how we found each other?

Rewind to October of 2010.. I have always had or been around horses, and I was currently horseless. I guess you could say I felt “naked” (anyone who has/has had horses will know exactly what I mean!). But, the only way I could get a horse was to, basically, find one as close to free as I could. After hours of scouring CraigsList for my perfect match I came across an ad for two Mustangs up for adoption, the fee was only $25.00. Immediately I contacted the owner wanting to know everything and anything about them as I possibly could. We messaged back and forth for days. I learned not just anyone can own a wild Mustang and that you had to go through an adoption process. I filled out my application, sent it to the BLM, and a week later got the call that I was approved! Eleven days later we went and picked her up.

Back to now.. Beamer has the personality and attitude of twenty horses put together. She greets me with whinneys’ then nips at me if I don’t get her halter on quick enough. She is an incredibly fast learner and doesn’t forget, but she also gets bored very quickly. Wind in the trees, rustling in the bushes, big rocks or stumps, don’t bother her. Bring out the clippers or clank metal together and you have a basket case on your hands! Our year together has been interesting, entertaining, and we both have learned so much together.

Beamer will be three in February, she is around 14hands, and bay. I hope to one day be able to play around in dressage with her, along with reining.

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